This site will give you access to a wealth of information regarding ALL
works undertaken by us. The site is truly dynamic. It has real time access to our main servers via
a secure link to give up to date information on all aspects of both current and
past contracts.
To use this website you will need to have cookies enabled on your web browser.
The information that is stored will allow you to browse the site without the
necessity to log in on every page.
By continuing to use this website, you are giving consent
to cookies being used. For information on cookies and how you can disable them,
please visit our
Cookie Policy.
No information about your visit is stored on your local drive once you
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transmitted or stored on our servers. The only log that we hold are details of
the information you viewed or downloaded.
you have any problems enabling cookies on your system, please contact your I.T.
manager or email us
here and we will try to help.
To the right is a brief description of the sections that are available to you.
However, user access rights to each area are decided by the Primary User for
your company.
If you have arrived at this Client Portal by
mistake and you wanted to visit the main G.H. Design Ltd website,
please click
The site is still in its infancy and will change in looks
and functionality from time to time. We would ask you to be patient whilst this
process is finalised.
(status =
available) |
All information that is sent
out with a tender is also available here in an electronic
version. Also, additional information is made available on the
website, that will NOT be issued with the
tender package but IS mentioned in the tender documentation. Therefore,
it is imperative that tendering contractors view the relevant job and
furnish themselves with ALL information to give an accurate but
competitive price. |
Contract Stage
(status =
available) |
Here you will find up to the minute information during
the contract stage of a project. This includes up to date drawings,
drawing revisions, payment certificates (contractor version),
variations, practical completion certificates, partial possession
certificates, minutes of meetings etc. |
Completed Works
(status =
unavailable) |
Once a contract
has been completed, all the information accumulated is available
here as a historic record of the works. This includes all
information that was available in the Tender and Contract Areas
of the website together with final certificates and As Built
Drawings. |
Client Information
(status =
unavailable) |
All information needed by a client
is available
here including planning applications, planning approvals, discharge of
planning conditions, building regulations submissions, building
regulations approvals, payment certificates (employer version),
variations, practical completion certificates, partial possession
certificates, final certificates, minutes of meetings etc. |
(status =
unavailable) |
Useful utilities and fine tuning of your user interface
is provided here. Also, if you are the primary user for a company, this
is where you can add, amend or delete a user on your account. |
User Uploads
(status =
available) |
If you have been given access rights by the Website
Administrator, this is the place to upload your information. Please note
that as this site is fully dynamic, any information uploaded will be INSTANTLY available on the net. There is also an area to enable you
to upload information that can only be viewed by authorised G.H. Design
Ltd. staff. |
Email List
(status =
unavailable) |
If you wish to know when the website has been updated,
or just want to know when information has been amended on a particular
job, this is the place to go to enter your details. |
Contact Us
(status =
available) |
All the information you will need to contact us. |